Monday, October 12, 2009


There are some things in a mothers life that should just be sacred. A good nights sleep in her own bed without kids is at the top of my list. I can't hardly remember what that's like but from what I do recall it was wonderful. Another thing that should be sacred is the last piece of cake. Why on earth should the mother of a household have to give up the last piece of cake? We usually do it for a number of reasons; the first being that we don't want to injure our girlish figures any more than bearing children already has done, and the last being that its not worth the crying that occurs when you don't share. All the other reasons fall somewhere in between. Which brings me to another sacred thing. JEANS! If a mother has a favorite pair of jeans they should always fit! Like the magic pants in that movie that just fit all the girls that put them on. That's how it should be for a mother, no matter how many pounds you lose OR gain those favorite jeans of yours should still fit... and look good.
Alright, alright... so I realize that being a mother means you gotta give up a few things but really is it too much to ask to just have a few things that are sacred?

1 comment:

Mike&JenFamily said...

I'm so proud of you for starting this blog. I think it will be very theraputic(spelling) for you and probably many other people. I miss those cute kids of yours and you also of couse!! You are a great inspiration to me. Thanks for your example. Love ya sis!!